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  • COPIL 19 poster
    19th Annual Meeting of the RAO Steering Committee

    Welcome to the Annual Meeting of the West Africa Network for Child Protection (WANCP), a regional cooperation mechanism dedicated to the transnational protection and reintegration of vulnerable migrant children and youth.

    Regional Cooperation for Child Protection

    WANCP represents a unique alliance, with each ECOWAS member state being represented by its national coordinations, consisting of civil society organizations and state services. The ultimate goal of WANCP is to make the West African space safe for mobile children and youth.

  • Fabrication du Soumbala par les familles des déplacés internes
    Support to internal displaced families
    Through WAN, dozens of displaced families in poverty benefit from economic strengthening in Burkina Faso, for better protection of their children
  • Intern relocated people interview
    The right to education of internally displaced children/youth in Burkina Faso preserved thanks to the WAN
    Insecurity in the Sahel has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, including many children and young people. In the 9th district of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, entire families are settled and live in precarious conditions, with food, economic, health and housing problems. Sensitive to the situation of internally displaced children and young people and faithful to its commitment in their favour, ISS-WA, through the WAN, set up in December 2019, as a matter of urgency, an initiative to promote the rights to education called INITIATIVE 1-2-3. A total of 123 of them supported in an educational project. Three months after their reintegration into school, ISS-WA and the AMWCY organised a follow-up mission for these children and their families.